New construction of the fast food restaurant "Hesburger", Latvia The building of the fast food restaurant "Hesburger" is designed as a one-story building, its area is 228m2, including the restaurant hall, several freezers, auxiliary kitchen rooms, dishwashing room, kitchen units, warehouse and staff room. The building will be built with a maximally open layout in the restaurant part - large glass showcases along the entire perimeter and a closed volume in the kitchen and auxiliary rooms. Access to the building will be provided for persons with mobility impairments. Disabled parking spaces and low curbs for sidewalks will be provided in the area. The technical space is provided in the attic.
SEP designs the following sections as part of its contract:
A car cash register will be provided, providing the opportunity to provide service to the customer without getting out of the car. The technological plan will be designed as a "HESBURGER" type solution, taking into account the shape and concept of the company.
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